My Story
How A Small Family Fitness Challenge Took Me From Overweight Daycare Provider to Successful Fitness and Nutrition Coach.
Hey there! Thanks for taking the time hear my story!
My name is Carla White and I want to share the story of how a fun family fitness challenge took me from an over-weight, worn out, full-time student, minister, wife, mother and daycare owner into a fit and fabulous, energetic, wife, super active grandmother and successful personal trainer and nutrition coach.
Wow, that was a mouth full! But all those details are important because I want you to know that I’ve been where you are. I have not been fit all my life, and in order to get fit I had to juggle A LOT of responsibility, it wasn’t easy but I did it and you can too. Check out my before and after picture!My Story Might Sound A Lot Like Yours
I was an active kid growing up and was always playing outside with my four siblings or neighborhood kids. When I was old enough to play sports, I did! I may not have been the most naturally talented, but you would be hard pressed to find a kid that worked harder than I did to continually improve her game. When I ran track, I would practice my hurdle form over lawn chairs in the backyard. When I played volleyball, I would practice bumping and setting the volleyball off the angled garage roof for hours on end. I cant remember a time in my life that I didn’t play basketball, and I was a pretty darn good shooter, after all I grew up shooting over my much taller older brother. My extra effort always paid off on game day and it’s that same dedication and commitment that makes me a successful coach to many today.

I was a Yo-Yo Dieter Most of My Adult Life
I married at the age of 18 and I’m still joyfully married to the same amazing man today. I became a mom right away and I ran a daycare out of our home for 20 years. Now I’m Grandma to THREE!
I tried to stay active in my young adult years by playing some recreational volleyball, playing with the kids in my daycare, scheduling group workouts with friends (that never quite panned out) and when I hit my thirties I even learned to play tennis and I loved it. But the extra activity was not a long term solution for my poor eating habits.

You Name the Diet I Probably Tried It
Along with trying different ways to stay active in hopes of getting fit, I found myself continually starting a new diet. You name it, I tried it.- I was all about the fat-free craze. Remember when the grocery stores couldnt keep Snack-Wells devils food cookies in stock? Who wouldnt love a diet of endless cookies?
- Next on my list was slim fast. How could drinking delicious chocolate shakes instead of eating food not work, right? Well those things gave me THE WORST headaches.
- Next came Adkins fail.
- How about the cereal for dinner diet? It might have been magically delicious, but magically nutritious, not so much.
- The baked potato diet
- Oh and who could forget the Subway diet?
- And I cant leave out my attempt at Weight Watchers where I successfully watched my weight continue to rise.
A Purposeful Mindset Helped me to Lose the Weight and Keep It Off

A Fun Family Fitness Challenge Gave Me Support & Accountability to Succeed
A few short months after that church service a small group of close church friends and family got together at my house and I organized a Family Fitness Challenge.
Purpose & Community Were Key For Me
Purpose – I began to understand the relationship between my goal and my purpose. Weight loss was my goal, but it was not my purpose. My weight loss goal was actually just a means to my purpose. My purpose we was to have the energy, confidence and physical ability to live and enjoy the life God gave me. I wanted to be all in when it came to the things that mattered most to me, like ministry and family. Community – If it had not been for the group of like-mind group of people in our little challenge group I don’t believe I would have had the same results. It was the since of community, constant support, encouragement and accountability of that group that kept me focused on my purpose and pushed me to keep going.Hiring A Personal Trainer Increased my Confidence and Transformed my Body in Amazing Ways
When I hit what I thought was my weight loss goal, I wanted more. I was smaller and lighter, but now I just felt skinny-fat, I desired a healthier more toned and defined look. I knew I needed to incorporate weight training, but the free weight section of the gym intimidated me. Up until that point I had strictly stuck to the machines where I felt like I couldn’t mess anything up. The last thing I wanted to do was to make a fool of myself.
At this point I sought out a personal trainer. That that was no doubt THE SMARTEST investment in my health that I had ever made. Not only did she help me build my confidence the incorporation proper free-weight training to my weekly routine and the tweaking of my diet truly transformed my body in an amazing way.
I Was Planning to Go Into Full-time Church Ministry, but God Had a Different Ministry In Mind
You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.
Proverbs 19:21
As I became toned and fit I completely fell in love with the process. I found myself learning as much as I possibly could about weight training and nutrition. I was constantly using what I learned to help and encourage others. The next thing I knew I had a job as a trainer that I never asked for, and wasn’t even sure I even wanted, but absolutely loved. I have continued to dive deep into learning and I have earned a variety of certifications that enable me to be a well rounded coach.

- NASM Certified Personal Trainer
- NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist
- PN Level 1 Certified Nutrition Coach
- OTA Certified Online Trainer
- IWU Certified in Pastoral Care & Counseling
After two years of working crazy long hours as personal trainer and coaching 17 group workouts a week for a local boot camp God lined things up for Completely Fit to be born. I never planned it, I never dreamed it, and once again I never even knew I wanted it but THIS, helping people transform their lives; body, mind and spirit, is part of what God was preparing me for in that church service so many years ago.
While I was in seminary and slowly transitioning out of the daycare business my full intentions for all of my efforts in school, health and fitness were focused on increasing my effectiveness in full-time church ministry in the local church. I realize now that God was equipping me with the tools that I needed to successfully coach and minister to so many amazing people through their amazing journey of fitness.
Completely Fit Has Touched More Lives Than I Would Have Ever Believed

Now All That is Missing Is You
The Completely Fit member community has been such a blessing to so many that we want to share it with you, so that you can be Completely Fit too. Members of the Completely Fit “Family” came in struggling, confused and discontented. They felt like there must be a better way or they thought something must be wrong with them. They joined our Fit Family and found the support, guidance and accountability that they need to succeed. In addition to reaching the weight loss, muscle tone and strength gains that they signed up for, our members tend to be even more excited about all the extras like- having more energy
- establishing life balance
- becoming more confident
- making great new friends
- being more organized
- getting better sleep
- having healthier relationships
Join our Community and Be Completely Fit!