How many times have you set a goal and the paper you wrote it on or the app you set it in was as far as you got? You are not alone. The truth is goal setting is usually where most people stop, because they either don’t know what toRead More
How many times have you set a goal and the paper you wrote it on or the app you set it in was as far as you got? You are not alone. The truth is goal setting is usually where most people stop, because they either don’t know what toRead More
These photos were taken 6 weeks apart. When I posted the first picture I had just planted my summer flowers for the year. Since then I have spent about 10 minutes a day watering, feeding and caring for them and look at then now! While they have not reached theirRead More
This morning I received an e-mail from my business coaches about the necessity of taking the training wheels off in order to reach the next level with your business. The imaginary got me thinking about one very common mistake that I see many people make when trying to lose weightRead More