Tag: struggle to lose weight

The Christian Struggle to Lose Weight
For several years, I have pondered the question “Why is it that so many of God’s people seem to continually struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy fitness level?
Over time I have considered several possibilities in the areas of tradition, context, culture, information and priorities … many of which certainly contribute to the struggle, but I don’t believe these things are the root of the issue. There is a saying “At the heart of every problem is a problem of the heart” (source unknown). It is within the wisdom of this quote that I believe the answer to our fitness struggles lie.
As Christians everything that we do should be motivated by love- love for God, love for others and a healthy love for ourselves. Our actions, behaviors and our goals should never be rooted in self–pride or to draw attention to ourselves.
Over the years, I have sat down with numerous potential clients, some with desire to lose weight, others to gain. Reflecting on all of these initial consultations I cannot remember one in which a person did not indicate some form of “to look better” as there #1 motivation for seeking my help. Most everyone included additional reasons, but the desire to look good seemed to take precedence so my next question is always “Why?”
There is nothing at all wrong with looking good and feeling healthy. In fact, I absolutely believe Christians should strive to be fit and healthy. The problem lies in “why” we want to be fit. When you think about getting fit what is your why?
- Is it to glorify God and show gratitude for the body he has gifted to you or is it to glorify yourself?
- Is it to be physically able to serve God, giving Him your very best, or is to gain the acceptance of others?
- Is it to be better equipped you to walk in purpose or is it to try to create a false self-confidence with defined abs or a tight behind?
- Is it to be a light in this world of darkness or it to stand out in the world by “getting your sexy back” or “looking good naked”?
This is a hard truth to face and a tough pill to swallow for all of us. But I assure you that God desires that you be healthy and fit. He will indeed help you to succeed in this area, but He will only help you if it brings you closer to Him and His purpose for your life, rather than further away.
God is not willing to share His glory. Nevertheless, He is delighted to give you the deep desires of your heart, as you give your heart and your desires to Him.
As you press toward your health and fitness goals I encourage you to take some time to consider the deep truth of your “why” and if necessary allow God to renew your mind and motives. As you do He will empower you by His Spirit to put in the work that will bring about complete transformation, inward and outward, that brings Him glory and you joy and fulfillment.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1-2
If you are struggling with with your “why” and I am here to help. Reach out to me to today. Let’s talk about it. Let me stand by you as you seek God for that missing piece you need to complete your fitness puzzle so that you can at last, find sustainable success.
When you are ready to allow God to transform your mind, you will be ready to transform your body.
Coach Carla

Identifying the Real Problem With Your Fitness Program
When we avoid our problems they never just go away, in fact they tend to get bigger.
The bigger the problem gets, the more we want to avoid it. And the more we want to avoid it, the more likely we are to turn to eating, drinking, being “too busy”, and zoning out to try and forget about it.
The coping mechanisms we choose to use to get away from our problems end up making us more unhappy.
So what do we do?
Address the elephant in the room. Ask yourself:
- What’s the elephant I’ve been avoiding?
- How can I confront my elephant TODAY?
As you do this keep in mind that there is nothing that comes your way that is beyond the course of what others have had to face. You have nothing to fear because you don’t have to face your problem in your own strength. God has everything you need. He will never let you down. He will always be there to help you come through it.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” ~ Psalms 27:1
“No temptation overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” ~ 1 Corinthians 10:1
If you are ready to confront your elephant, but you know that you are going to need someone to keep you encouraged and to support you in order to find that lasting happiness and freedom you have always longed for, I can and want to be that person for you!
Reach out to me right away before the enemy snatches away your courage and begins to feed you those repetitive lies he has used to keep you from taking action in the past.
You CAN do this! It’s NEVER too late. You DO have what it takes! You ARE worth it and so much more!
Coach Carla

How to Build Healthy Living Habits for Fitness and Losing Weight
If you struggled to lose weight or increase your fitness level you a have no doubt searched for and tried numerous meal plans and fitness programs.
How many of these fitness programs and or meals plans have you tried? How well did they work out for you?
They may have worked for a little while, when you followed them, but were you able to stick with it?
Statistics (as well and my professional observations) have shown that exercise programs and meal plans are not stand alone effective solutions for weight loss. Why? Because you must follow them in order for them to work. To find success in reaching your fitness goals you need more than just a plan, you must develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits.
What Is a Habit Anyway?
When I refer to building healthy living habits, I am referring to anything you do regularly that promotes the building, achieving or maintaining your complete fitness goals. An unhealthy habit would promote the opposite. It would be anything you do regularly that hinders you from being Completely Fit.
A habit is something that we do automatically — as in, without really thinking about it. Which is why identifying and changing your own habits so hard. How can you think about the stuff that you don’t have to think about? Changing a habit takes time and often requires outside coaching and accountability. Your unhealthy habits weren’t developed over night, so new healthy habits won’t either.
All Habits Have A Trigger & A Reward
You see, all habits need a trigger — a little reminder that says, “Hey, you should do this action now.” Habits also need a reward — a little reminder that what you just did was a good thing. There is ALWAYS a payoff, even if you aren’t readily aware of what it is.
Healthy Living Habits Happen When People Get Together to Support and Help Each Other Out!
Finally, keep in mind that permanent healthy living habits are best created and sustained through supportive relationships. Look to your peers, coach, family, friends, coworkers, Facebook friends, groups and fitness forums for mutual support.
Finding your own triggers are hard. Seeing other people’s is easy. Remembering to tell yourself, “Great job!” can be hard. Remembering to tell other people is easy.
Figuring out how to work new foods, new activities, and new steps into your own life is hard. Watching and learning from a whole bunch of other people like you, who are trying to get to the same place you are, is just so much easier!
The the Completely Fit Membership Community, actually we like to refer to ourselves as a family, is an awesome place for this to happen.
As a member of the family you don’t only get personalized workouts and nutrition coaching designed to help you form healthy sustainable habits. You also receive around the clock support to answer to your questions, help with your concerns, encouragement you when you are waving the “I’m struggling” flag and and a host of cheerleaders to help you celebrate even the smallest wins!
Are you ready to build those habits and transform you life? You can Join the Family Today for 50% off your first month and be on your way to becoming Completely Fit!
Coach Carla