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At Home Full Body Fat Burning Cardio Workout
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I’ve got a great Full Body Fat Burning Creative Carlio Workout that I want to share with you!!!!
What’s Creative Carlio you ask?
It’s a cardio workout created by Carla (that’s me!) designed to get your heart rate up and burn some calories in a creative way!
This workout can be done – ANYTIME & ANYWHERE!
If you are unsure about how to preform any of the exercises in this circuit or you need a modified or low-impact version I have created FREE VIDEO DEMO!!! Just fill out the form and click the access button below!
When you are ready to give this awesome Full Body Fat Burning Workout a try, simply:
- Set a goal either based on how long you want to workout, how many rounds you want to complete or push yourself to complete a certain number of rounds in a specified period of time!
- Hit go on your timer/stopwatch app
- Complete your workout
- Then go to our Facebook page and let us know that you got it in. We would even love to see a pic!

Is Juicing to Lose Weight Healthy?
Have you ever considered incorporating juicing into your diet, to reap the benefits of getting more fruits & vegetables in or to possibly jumpstart weight loss?
If so, I would like you to consider a few facts.
1) The juicing process removes valuable fiber you need for healthy digestion.
2) Removing the fiber, which helps you feel full can lead to increased appetite.
3) Juice cheats your body of the chance to digest the whole fruit and robs you of a calorie-burning opportunity.
4) Eating the whole fruit and/or vegetable gives you the advantage of higher nutrient density yielding a better calorie to nutrient ratio.
5) Juicing has the potential to be very problematic for blood sugar.
Don’t worry though! You can get your fruit & vegetables through a straw if you prefer. Blending is a fun and healthier alternative!
Blend your fruit and veggies with water, tea, yogurt, or even your favorite protein powder. Throw in a few ice cubes or use frozen fruit, think SMOOTHIE!!!
Blended produce is a better choice than juice because blending doesn’t remove any of the beneficial parts of the fruit or vegetable, plus it adds in lots of fun!
Blending also gives you the opportunity to incorporate a larger variety of foods that enable you to turn your healthy smoothie in to a full meal Completely Fit Shake. A Completely Fit Shake contains all the necessary components you need to make a complete and healthy meal with the proper servings of protein, fat and carbohydrates..
So, Is juicing bad?
No, it’s not bad. There are just better choices.
In the big picture it is the accumulation of those better choices that help us to become Completely Fit!
I have created a Free Completely Fit Shake Recipe Guide

The Christian Struggle to Lose Weight
For several years, I have pondered the question “Why is it that so many of God’s people seem to continually struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy fitness level?
Over time I have considered several possibilities in the areas of tradition, context, culture, information and priorities … many of which certainly contribute to the struggle, but I don’t believe these things are the root of the issue. There is a saying “At the heart of every problem is a problem of the heart” (source unknown). It is within the wisdom of this quote that I believe the answer to our fitness struggles lie.
As Christians everything that we do should be motivated by love- love for God, love for others and a healthy love for ourselves. Our actions, behaviors and our goals should never be rooted in self–pride or to draw attention to ourselves.
Over the years, I have sat down with numerous potential clients, some with desire to lose weight, others to gain. Reflecting on all of these initial consultations I cannot remember one in which a person did not indicate some form of “to look better” as there #1 motivation for seeking my help. Most everyone included additional reasons, but the desire to look good seemed to take precedence so my next question is always “Why?”
There is nothing at all wrong with looking good and feeling healthy. In fact, I absolutely believe Christians should strive to be fit and healthy. The problem lies in “why” we want to be fit. When you think about getting fit what is your why?
- Is it to glorify God and show gratitude for the body he has gifted to you or is it to glorify yourself?
- Is it to be physically able to serve God, giving Him your very best, or is to gain the acceptance of others?
- Is it to be better equipped you to walk in purpose or is it to try to create a false self-confidence with defined abs or a tight behind?
- Is it to be a light in this world of darkness or it to stand out in the world by “getting your sexy back” or “looking good naked”?
This is a hard truth to face and a tough pill to swallow for all of us. But I assure you that God desires that you be healthy and fit. He will indeed help you to succeed in this area, but He will only help you if it brings you closer to Him and His purpose for your life, rather than further away.
God is not willing to share His glory. Nevertheless, He is delighted to give you the deep desires of your heart, as you give your heart and your desires to Him.
As you press toward your health and fitness goals I encourage you to take some time to consider the deep truth of your “why” and if necessary allow God to renew your mind and motives. As you do He will empower you by His Spirit to put in the work that will bring about complete transformation, inward and outward, that brings Him glory and you joy and fulfillment.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1-2
If you are struggling with with your “why” and I am here to help. Reach out to me to today. Let’s talk about it. Let me stand by you as you seek God for that missing piece you need to complete your fitness puzzle so that you can at last, find sustainable success.
When you are ready to allow God to transform your mind, you will be ready to transform your body.
Coach Carla